December 6, 2011

Status Update: Fall 2011

Sorry for the yearlong delay, but we're still working hard here at CMSS. This year we've been trying to incorporate some newer technologies into our work. One of our biggest improvements is the fact that as opposed to the old hot-wire method for cutting cross-sections, we have CNC'd our pieces with the help of the drama department and Ben Carter.

With the pieces cut, the outline of our newest hull can begin to take shape:
Some of you may be wondering how we ended up with such a radical design. Well, with the trust of Michlet genetic algorithm hull creation software (as well as SolidWorks verification), this was the final product. We're currently performing some layup testing as we're hoping to build a female mold this year, and want to get the best finish as possible.

I apologize for the lapse in updates, but keep posted to our blog in the future to watch how this season unfolds.

Creating the cross sections.

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